Vision employees’ birthday party in October

Golden fall in October,there are four employees’ birthday in our company,which is the culture of birthday together with all of the co-workers.So the HR department had prepared all the gifts for the four colleagues,and we celebrated the birthday for them at 3:30 pm of October 26th.
All the colleagues gathered in the big office at that time,then the HR took out the birthday cake and light the candles.After that ,all the people sang birthday song with music.They made a wish and blew the candles.The boss handed over the birthday gifts to the employee one by one, a young and very kind boss. There are some warmly words on the package.It is a unique way of care from the company.

birthday october
We can share a great number of desserts on the table together and have a wonderful time at that moment.Why we have the culture of office birthday celebration?
The truth is that we all want to spend most of our lives feeling appreciated, and a lot of that time is spent at work with our colleagues. Think about it. Some employees may not even celebrate birthdays at home or don’t have the luxury of someone spoiling them on their special day.
So, an office birthday celebration might be exactly what they need to feel valued. Put the spotlight on them, make it memorable, and create a lasting memory that will cause them to look forward to spending their birthday at work the following year.
Therefore,It’s crucial that everyone in the company create a positive work culture in which the employees can feel appreciated.